
Is Job Hopping the Key to Finding Your Work Passion?

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Yves ·
Is Job Hopping the Key to Finding Your Work Passion?

In short, it seems from the research that “People who switch jobs more frequently early in their careers tend to have higher wages and incomes in their prime-working years. Job-hopping is actually correlated with higher incomes, because people have found better matches—their true calling.”

However, I don't specifically recommend switching companies if you want to change roles, try doing so within your current organization. It's easier because you're already a known entity, especially if you have a good attitude in your current role.
The research also highlights two simple facts: discovering your work passion, your calling is better for your income and second it requires actively working, not just dreaming about it.
At WoPa we strive to help people find their work passion.

Sources: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/11/quit-your-job/382402/
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